New research about where leaving male employees go shows significant trends in staff retention for 2014. Find out the employee motivation behind voluntary leavers.

Where Leaving Male Employees Go 2014

great{with}talent has collected exit data from 5,942 male employees. The results show why employees leave in 2014.

The following charts show the type of role, level of role, new employer and new salary of staff who have left their position in the past 12 months. This data can be used to inform staff retention strategies in 2014.

Read: Why Male Employees Leave and Staff Retention 2014.

Type of Role

Male Employees

Most male employees listed a similar role in the same industry (33.5%) as their new role. This is a slightly higher amount than the overall group of 12,837 participants.

Whereas, fewer moved on to a different role and different industry (24.4%) as well as a similar role and different industry (24.4%). Though, a different role in the same industry (17.4%) was somewhat more popular.

This shows that more men are looking for different employers rather than different roles. This makes staff engagement critical to the talent retention of male employees.

Read: Where Leaving Female Employees Go 2014.

Level of Role

Male Employees

This employee research also shows that more male employees chose a step up in their career (58.7%). Meanwhile, fewer chose a similar level (32.4%).

Alike, a smaller amount of leaving employees moved for a step down (2.2%). This shows that career progression is a top staff turnover driver for male employees.

Read: The Importance of Exit Interviews for Employees.

New Employer

Male Employees

Most leaving male employees chose a large commercial new employer (46%), this includes organisations with over 1,000 employees. This is significantly more than the overall group.

Likewise, more chose a small commercial organisation (29.8%), less than 1,000 employees. This shows that male employees are more interested in commercial ventures.

As a result, fewer chose the public sector (9.4%), charitable organisations (2.9%) and other areas (6.7%). Yet, more than the average chose no new employer or self-employment (4.3%).

Knowing why male employees chose these types of sectors can inform staff engagement strategies for current employees. This in turn can lower staff turnover.

Read: HR Onboarding Best Practices for Male Employees 2014.

New Salary

Male Employees

A far greater amount of male employees admitted to leaving their role for a higher salary (61%). Again, less men moved for a lower salary (7%).

The difference between why male staff leave and other employees shows the importance of exit data in employee engagement and retention.

Contact great{with}talent and find out more about their LastOpinion online exit surveys.

(Main image from Business Week)